All of our promo codes have restrictions and expiration dates on their use. Most of the time, if you receive an error when attempting to apply a promo code, it is because the promo code is either expired or you are attempting to use a promo code that either you or your order are not eligible for.
Expired promo codes - Expiration dates are firm. If your promo code has already expired or has been disabled, we will not issue you another one or otherwise apply a discount to your order.
If you receive an error when entering a promo code:
You will be shown an error message that will explain why the promo code was not applied.
If you believe that there was a technical issue and that the promo code should have been applied to the order, feel free to reach out to our support team for help.
We will only extend you a new promo code in the case of a technical issue, we are not able to override the terms of the original promotion.